Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Cosmetology Schools in Louisiana

Cosmetology Schools and Careers

Published on by: Michelle Hays

If you are considering embarking upon a cosmetology career the cosmetology school you attend is a very important decision. The quality of your cosmetology education provides the foundation on which your career will stand. In order to become a very successful cosmetologist there are thnigs you should know about cosmetology schools in Louisiana.

Cosmetology School Facts You Need to Know

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, licensed cosmetologist employment rates will rise approximately 16 percent between 2010 and 2020. The BLS credits the demand for advanced hair treatments, and the rise in hair coloring and straightening trends, for the expected growth in cosmetology careers. As a Louisiana resident, you can pursue a cosmetology career at numerous accredited schools across the state. However, before you sign up for any school, be sure to thoroughly research the institute for post-graduate student satisfaction and rate of employment. Then, request a meeting with the school staff members to ensure that the program meets all of your criteria for current basic and advanced hair treatment methods.

Why Consider a Cosmetology Career

In addition to the project rate of job growth, a career in cosmetology also allows you to be an independent, creative artist. With the right schooling and a few years of supervised training under your belt, you can rise to the top of the hair coloring or cutting profession within an established organization, or on your own as a business owner. Cosmetology careers also give you industry trade show travel opportunities. Many successful cosmetologists earn a consistent, above-standard living. Many other successful cosmetologists also go on to develop their own signature hair cuts, coloring methods and even complete hair product lines.

Checking School Accreditation & Reputation

The National Accrediting Commission for Career Arts & Sciences (NACCAS) currently accredits more than 1,000 cosmetology schools around the country. Cosmetology schools in Louisiana can also be accredited through the U.S. Department of Education, and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). You can check each organization's website, or call them directly, to inquire about each school's current accrediting standings.

After you verify your chosen school's accreditation, you should check out the school's reputation to ensure that you will obtain a cosmetology certificate from a respected organization. Browse online for any comments about the schools you are interested in. Also, ask for three to five graduate references from every school you might attend. Call or write the references, and ask for their honest options about their training and ease of job placement. Last, call local spas and hair salon owners, and ask if they recommend going to one local school over another. After you exercise your due diligence, you should be able to narrow down your cosmetology school selection down based upon Internet remarks, past graduate testimonies, and local cosmetology industry expert opinions about each school.

Types of Cosmetology Courses and Training

During cosmetology school, you will take a wide variety of classroom and hands-on training. Your courses will include classes such as scalp treatments, hair bleaching and coloring, permanent wave relaxing, hair styling, and the dermatology of skin and hair. Your classes might also include sanitation and bacteriology, eyebrow arching and dyeing, facial massage, finger waving, and manicuring and pedicuring.

Costs for Cosmetology School

As of October 2012, the total cost of cosmetology school, including books and application fees, is approximately $12,000. All or part of these fees can be paid using Federal Pell grants and student loans. You can also take out private bank loans to cover the cost of your cosmetology tuition.

Professional License Requirements in Louisiana

After you successfully complete cosmetology school, you must take and pass the Louisiana State Board of Cosmetology's licensing examination. Once you pass the exam, you can work as a licensed cosmetologist within the state of Louisiana.

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